Hello Hammock Forum members, Bruciehi5 here,

What started off to be looking like a bit of a dud hike, turned out to be a fun filled, big blue rock lobster adventure!

Most of the tracks in the national park were closed (as I discovered), due to problems caused by a big wet session, BUT, I still managed to do a pretty good walk, mostly because I got a bit lost. Whilst in The Valley of the Lost Bruciehi5, I found a few Lamington NP Spiny Cray's (lobsters). Verrrry exiting, because from what I understand, they aren’t easy to find and you have to be pretty lucky to find one... well, I got pretty lucky!

I always thought the crays were only about 2 or 3 inches long (50, 75mm), but as it turns out, I was wrong – hard to believe, me, wrong! The crays I saw were 6 to 8 inches long (150 to 200 mm). They made the hike a good one, even though they were, vicious, nasty, and rotten! I don’t think they liked Bruciebaby very much.


A super nice rainforest, some fantastic waterfalls, but the blue crays stole the show. I hope you can find the time to watch, and hopefully enjoy, “Bruciehi5's Big Blue Rock Lobster Adventure,” video trip report!

Happy hanging!


21:26 Run time.