Hi guys,

been sick at home the last few days so the energy I could muster up, I put into watching trip reports and some editing on my long list of 'films to edit'.

After loosing my camera in January, I bought a new one, a Panasonic Lumix DMC FT4 (this is the Dutch Model/name, I found that names/numbers depend on where you live...maybe with this one too, not sure....)

Anyways, normally every last sunday of the month my friend Jan and I organise an outing (free of charge) to get people back into nature (what little patches we have left over here..) and away from the keyboard...

Since Jan makes (beautiful) knives we also attend many exhibitions where we also demonstrate several bushcraft skills (e.g. making fire).

Last weekend of February I could combine this all, saturday a (small) knife exhibition) and a solo overnighter in the woods with the monthly outing on a sunday with quite a big group.

With my new job, living life and all it took some time before I made the final editing, but here it finally is: another trip report from Holland (The Netherlands).

Appreciate your time for watching and all feedback is welcome. Thanks in advance.

Now off to do editing of a trip last March, my new food hydrator, and what not...

Grtz Johan