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  1. #1
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    Reid Lake Foot Travel Area-Huron Manistee NF, Glennie, Michigan April 12-13, 2014

    Reid Lake has been on my ‘to do’ list for a while, after reading about it in Jim DuFresne’s “Backpacking in Michigan” book. It’s a 3,000 acre parcel with a few lakes and well marked trails. HF member Wolverine and I had plans to get out during this past winter, but the weather was less than inviting. This past weekend, we finally got our chance, even though it would be in the 40’s and rain was forecast. Either way, that wasn’t going to stop us.

    We headed out Saturday morning and got to the trailhead by 12:30. The lot was empty and we paid our $10 fee. Temps were in the 40’s, we got our packs on and headed down the wide two track to Reid Lake. There was still some snow in the woods. At one point, we had thought of hiking in about 5 miles to the south lake, but decided to stay on the south side of Reid Lake, since it was only about 1.5 miles from the car. Note-our site is across the lake on the hill

    We were more interested in just getting to our site and having a low key day just hanging around camp and exploring the area. We found a great hang spot on a small hill, overlooking the still frozen lake, with a firepit and grate, bench, wilderness toilet and a homemade table left by previous campers.

    After getting getting set up, we took a little break, then went to get wood. We followed the trail further south of our spot and came across a large swamp with a small pine island at the edge. We decided to check it out and found an eagle and a nest nearby. Eventually we got to see it fly and it passed pretty close to us.

    By around 2:00 PM we were back at camp and just enjoying being outside. It was still in the 40’s, but you could tell that a front was coming in. By 3:00 PM the rain started. It would let up for a while, then pick back up again. This went on and on until the next morning…Glad I had the doors on the tarp and my UQP.

    We had a leisurely afternoon hanging in our hammocks. I was reading Bill Bryson’s Walk in the Woods and enjoying the sound of the rain dripping off the tarp. Slim chance of a fire now, so whoever shows up at the site next time, will have plenty of wood. By around 6:30, it still wasn’t letting up, so we set-up a spot under Wolverine’s tarp to cook.

    Heating up water in the Imusa12, we started with hot cider and JD honey, then ramen noodles & crackers. Tonight’s entrée would be my new favorite trail meal: Knorrs taco rice sides, Libby seasoned beef, cheese sticks, salsa & tortillas. Plenty of food for both of us…in fact, it would have easily served three. The rain was still showing no signs of slowing down, and after having a night cap, it was time to turn in around 8:30. I read for an hour or so and listened to the rain throughout the night. Luckily, the winds weren’t too bad, but the rain kept up. It was a restless night and occasionally you’d hear a thump somewhere in the woods. It wasn’t until the next morning when we found that one of these thumps was a tree that had dropped across the trail a few hundred yards away.

    Once morning came, the weather radar still showed rain was in the forecast and that it was here for the duration. So, we got our day started with some hot coffee, made our plan and decided to bail when we had a break in the rain. Plus, we knew that the breakfast at the “Chat’n Chew” in Glennie sounded pretty good! Of course, the rain stops after we pack up and we start our hike back to the car. The tree that dropped near us wasn’t the only one that came down overnight…lots of downed timber. We still had a great trip and there’s nothing like getting out and enjoying springtime out in the woods of northern Michigan. Here’s some background on the area:

    Unrelated to hammocks but for those devotee’s of small town diner food, I’d like to introduce the “Polish Omelete” from the Glennie, Michigan Chat’n Chow:
    Eggs, cheese, potatoes, onions, kielbasa & biscuit gravy….mmmm Life is Good

  2. #2
    Senior Member Trail Runner's Avatar
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    Nice photos & report, thanks for sharing. I really like that last photo. I just finished eating and now I'm hungry again.

  3. #3
    Senior Member TZBrown's Avatar
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    Nice report and photos

    That is a great area for a weekend trip. Close enough for "options"

    Thanks for sharing
    Life's A Journey
    It's not to arrive safely at the grave in a well preserved body,
    But rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting,
    Woo Hoo!....What a Ride!



  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    It would make a great place for a winter hang. Parking lot is right off the road plus lots of hanging options on the south side of Reid Lake.

    Quote Originally Posted by TZBrown View Post
    Nice report and photos

    That is a great area for a weekend trip. Close enough for "options"

    Thanks for sharing

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