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  1. #1
    New Member
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    JH arrives in NYC in just FIVE days!

    I received an email from Thailand informing me that my JH was shipping on 8/01.

    Just got back to the apartment and there she is in front of the door! (8/06)

    Perfect timing! I am bouncing around the Northeast until tuesday and then off to OR for a week. Plenty of opportunity to perfect my hanging technique!

    I have been searching for my perfect suspension system for the JH and without the required experience and familiarity, they all seem like good options. If any Claytor mavens are so inclined, please link me to the suspension system that:

    {In order of Importance}
    1) Provides the most comfortable (secure?) hang
    2) Lightweight
    3) Dry (don't fully understand the moisture issue, but I expect I'll find out this weekend with the stock suspension)

    I'm no sailor, but I have some knots in my quiver and Grizz's videos do an excellent job of priming. I could see myself keeping the overall weight down with knots.


  2. #2
    Senior Member Ramblinrev's Avatar
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    ring buckle
    Quote Originally Posted by major_mango View Post
    I have been searching for my perfect suspension system for the JH and without the required experience and familiarity, they all seem like good options. If any Claytor mavens are so inclined, please link me to the suspension system that:

    {In order of Importance}
    1) Provides the most comfortable (secure?) hang
    2) Lightweight
    3) Dry (don't fully understand the moisture issue, but I expect I'll find out this weekend with the stock suspension)

    I'm no sailor, but I have some knots in my quiver and Grizz's videos do an excellent job of priming. I could see myself keeping the overall weight down with knots.

    Ummm... Grizz vids do a bang up job of meeting all your requirements pretty much in the order you list them. If it ain;t a secure hang Grizz wouldn't show it. (I think I can safely say that.) Beyond that, except for corded hammocks like the Byer any of those suspensions could be placed on any hammock out there and be workable and acceptable. Pick two or three, (including the whoopie sling style which emerged after Grizz was done with his vids) and try them out. It's really a personal choice. I like the webbing ring buckle and wouldn't swap that out on mine but my wife has JRB tri-glaides on hers. I have lousy finger dexterity so while I love knots I would not be likely to use a rope system. But knock yourself out. If you have the time and money to play around do so. Of all the mods you can make the suspension is probably one of the easiest.
    I may be slow... But I sure am gimpy.

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  3. #3
    New Member
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    Commencing Playing!

    I think I'll have a little more access to good stuff in OR so i'll report back after the trip

  4. #4
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by major_mango View Post
    I received an email from Thailand informing me that my JH was shipping on 8/01.

    Just got back to the apartment and there she is in front of the door! (8/06)

    Perfect timing! I am bouncing around the Northeast until tuesday and then off to OR for a week. Plenty of opportunity to perfect my hanging technique!

    I have been searching for my perfect suspension system for the JH and without the required experience and familiarity, they all seem like good options. If any Claytor mavens are so inclined, please link me to the suspension system that:

    {In order of Importance}
    1) Provides the most comfortable (secure?) hang
    2) Lightweight
    3) Dry (don't fully understand the moisture issue, but I expect I'll find out this weekend with the stock suspension)

    I'm no sailor, but I have some knots in my quiver and Grizz's videos do an excellent job of priming. I could see myself keeping the overall weight down with knots.

    The fancier suspensions are all very nice ( I use cinch buckles and others), but I suggest you first try the stock suspension that Claytor supplies. For one thing, it is insanely light. You will get soaked using it, it will WICK water into your hammock. UNLESS you put a simple( overhand?) knot on each side of the channel on each end. As Claytor recommends. Then, in my experience, you will be as dry as with a cinch buckle.

    Just put that Bowline knot on one side as directed by Claytor. ( I'd still put another overhand knot on that side, between the bowline and hammock, plus at least one on the other side ( lt + rt sides) of the channel). Then wrap your line around the tree then back through the bowline and adjust hammock sag. Then tie off with one slippery 1/2 hitch plus one more half hitch. It is about as fast as my cinch buckles, close enough. Keep these knots UNDER your tarp, hence close to the hammock.

    Main benefits:Simple(KISS principle!) light and cheap, as in zero extra dollars. If you don't like it you can always change to a cinch buckle or rings later. As long as you are not piulling a structural ridgeline tight, I don't think stretch will be an issue. I am still using the original webbing on the foot of my Cl. No Net, and my son has it on both ends of his, for over a year with no complaints. Except, son boy says it's like working in a field of Velcro. You will know what I mean when you try it, it seems to stick to bark and every thing else. But the price is right. We never sag more than with any other hammock.

    WARNING: We may be the only ones here still using the stock suspension. It works for us, but most apparently think it stinks on ice. So, YMMV!

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