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  1. #1
    Senior Member Gresh's Avatar
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    Palmetto State Hangers 4th Annual Fall Sprawl

    So, another Palmetto State Hangers Fall Sprawl has come and passed, and with it growth for PSH, growth for Fall Sprawl, and good work done for the SC State Park system. Beyond this (and almost more importantly), great friendships were forged and I met so many new people this year that I already can’t wait for next year.

    Chops and I got to Santee State Park around 5:00 on Friday, as expected. The decision to reserve the entire primitive area turned out to be a good one, as we ended up hosting a total of 80 people over the course of the weekend. I set up down in what I called “Gator Hollow” (pronounced “holler”) because of the fact that gators frequent the area. After setting up on the lake shore in Gator Hollow, I joined the rest of the group around the fire for one of HotLips patented “bloody good meals” that she is so famous for. I tucked in to my plate and inhaled my meal before going back for an ill-advised second plate. A valuable lesson to be learned: no matter how good something is, if you’re already full and fit to pop don’t fill your second plate all the way up. The vittles were goooood, but I may have done permanent damage to myself.

    I slept like a rock on the shores of Gator Hollow, looking so forward to sleeping late since I’d left the baby (whom in retrospect would have served me well as gatorbait in the night) home with SWMBO. Alas, it was not to be as a Ranger woke me up at 8:00 and advised me that I and the others set up along with me were not in the primitive area and would have to I did. It was for the best, I suppose - I needed to start my day anyway. After running to the store to get vittles for the group lunch I came back to a few slices of bacon slapped on a fresh biscuit. I enjoyed the biscuit while I watched Phantom Grappler give what I found to be a surprisingly interesting demonstration on knot-tying. I’m no knotsmith myself, so I didn’t expect it to be as entertaining or interesting as I found it. Well done and thanks to Phantom Grappler for that! Lunch found me taking a trash run (seems like I’m always busy come mealtime) but I did manage to scoop myself up a hot dog when I got back, which is all this big boy needs to keep going!

    The gear garage sale saw more participation this year than last year’s “experimental” version had, which was largely thanks to more organization this year I think. Some horse trading happened, some money exchanged hands, and all in all it seemed successful - I think it’s a feature we’ll keep for next year. Anticipation hung in the air like a dense fog as the raffle time grew nearer and nearer. 2:00 was when Nucking Futz hosted his Amsteel Splicing Demo (which I unfortunately didn’t get to attend) before the vendor demos from was getting closer and closer to time for the main event!

    5:00. Raffle Time. It’s what we wait all year for. This year’s raffle not only went off without a hitch, but saw over 60% growth over last year’s raffle. All said and done, after the dust settled we raised over $1,600 (close to $1,700) for the SC State Park system. $400 of that was given to Santee State Park this morning, and the remaining funds will be split among other SC state parks (we’ll be taking nominations on our Facebook page). As always, 100% of the proceeds go to the parks. PSH doesn’t keep a single dime of that.
    On top of that, we finished the 2013/2014 year with a registered 35 Supporting Members. We finished our first event of the year today with an already registered 45 Supporting Members with even more anticipated to join throughout the year. We continue to grow thanks to the efforts of our existing members and new ones, and we very legitimately appreciate it from every one of our members.

    I would especially like to thank REV for kicking off the organization of this year’s event (having taken over this year, I can’t believe you did this on your own for three years. Good on you, sir), HotLips and Kingsford for doing what only they can do, and that’s feed all us mangey peasants for a weekend - you guys are awesome, and I’ll love you forever for it. Finally, I know I’ve said this before but I want to thank our members (old and new) and event attendees - without you all this REALLY wouldn’t have happened. A lot of folks stepped up to the plate and either brought stuff to the meals, the pot luck, helped with dishes, firewood, set-up and break-down, gave demonstrations, and more. I’m being very honest when I say that it’s a legitimate honor to be the president of such a club full of so many fine, upstanding members and individuals.

    We’d like to acknowledge those who helped make the raffle possible, as well. I’m sure I’ll leave somebody out somewhere (I didn’t get EVERYBODY on the spreadsheet), but we received contributions from the following members and vendors as the 2014 Fall Sprawl Event Sponsors:

    Dream Hammock
    Underground Quilts
    Appalachian Hammock
    Terrapin Outfitters
    Bonefire Gear
    Butt In A Sling
    Byer of Maine
    Darn Tough Vermont
    Dutchware Gear
    Eagle’s Nest Outfitters
    Enlightened Equipment
    Hammock Forums
    Jacks R Better
    Maverick Gear Australia
    SimplyLight Designs
    Sluice Gear
    Sheltowee Hammock Co.
    TaTo Gear
    Wilderness Logics

    Also, we’d like to formally announce that Palmetto State Hangers is officially and proudly sponsored by Dream Hammock, Underground Quilts, Appalachian Hammocks, and TaTo Gear. We’re extremely grateful to have these vendors supporting us at a club level, above and beyond their support at the event level and we look forward to being able to bring an appreciation of the outdoors and hammock camping to more people through their generous contributions and support.
    Last edited by Gresh; 09-28-2014 at 13:29.
    I used to be a somebody, now I just camp.

  2. #2
    Member Pudden's Avatar
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    It was a BLAST! Everyone had fun, got along, ate really well, the weather was perfect and the raffle was second to none. And I told ghost stories TWICE!
    Author of 4 books of SC ghostlore under Tally Johnson- available on amazon- buy 'em all and I will sign them at a hang! I do ghost stories too! PM or Facebook me for rates outside Carolinas!

  3. #3
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    I also say thankyou to everyone who attended. There arent many weekends like that throughout the year where so many like minded people can meet up and share our love of hammocks and being outdoors. The weather held off(although it rained in Charleston as we drove back). Thank you to the vendors who traveled to Fall Sprawl and shared their products. Kim and I had a great time and cant wait till next year where we will break the $2000 barrier for donations!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Gresh's Avatar
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    For those interested, BTW - there are still shirts available.
    I used to be a somebody, now I just camp.

  5. #5
    Senior Member grannypat's Avatar
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    Sounds like a great time. Yay to the vendors and sponsors and all who bought raffle tickets.
    Keep movin', keep believing and enjoy the journey!

  6. #6
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    Had lots of fun this weekend at the Fall Sprawl. Met a lot of new folks saw some cool gear, learned some stuff. Ate some of Hotlips and Kingsfords cooking, Stubbys BBQ, and several others who I just can't remember their name. Shared a fire pit with Tacoma96 and his family, by the way thanks for the ice cream. This was mine and my buddy's first hang and it will not be our last. I would strongly encourage anyone who has never participated in a hang to find one and go.

  7. #7
    New Member dosei's Avatar
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    Thanks all y'all, I thoroughly enjoyed my first hang!

  8. #8
    Tacoma96's Avatar
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    Us Dirtbags left Raleigh, NC on Friday at noon after picking up the rental car. Did some geocaching on the way down and arrived at Santee State Park at around 4PM. Dropped off the cooler of Ice Cream next to Hotlips and Kingsfords kitchen. Proceeded to set up the gear and then headed over to the main fire for dinner which was outstanding (thanks to all the cooks). Spend a lot of time hanging around the fire talking to everyone that we could then eventually called it a night.

    Saturday came early and we decided to grab a few geocaches in the area, then head back for breakfast. After breakfast we visited the Knot tying by Phantom Grappler and the Cobbler making by Hotlips then a few of us went to a walk on the road and some of the trails. When we arrived back at the campground we decided to do some fishing, realizing we had to no bait we had to go back to the Park store to get some. Finally back at camp we fished around the area and only came up with a few non keepers. Decided to go finish some of the geocaches in the park, so I pulled off the side of the road in the park and proceeded about 600 feet into the woods to grab the a geocache. Upon my arrival back to the rental car I noticed that I had a ticket on the windshield saying I was in violation of park rules for parking on the side of the road. I immediately thought about the camp area we were at (I was in violation there too) Well it was only a warning anyway. Made it back in time for the raffle where I was representing Gunner76 who won a very nice prize which I will be mailing to his residence tomorrow. Dinner came upon us fast where I checked to make sure the Ice Cream was still hard and participants told me it was like rock (Good). After dinner did some more talking around the fire then set up our own fire near our hammocks with Jbjernigan and Dave. Went back and forth between campfires listening to some of the stories they were telling which were great. Called it a night at around 10 PM.

    Morning came and everything was packed by 8AM so we headed out getting back home at 12 Noon. Thanks to everyone who was involved with this event. I could not begin to name them all. Had a great time. As I stated before “The Super bowl of Hangs” done PSH style.
    Straight out of Clayton.

    Most physical hike: Grandfather Mountain, NC. Aug 13.

    I don't need to make my pack lighter. I need to make my (_*_) lighter.

  9. #9
    New Member bmac14b's Avatar
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    Best hang I have been to yet! Made some new friends and caught up with old friends. Thanks to PSH for putting this all together. I look forward to seeing everyone next year!

  10. #10
    Senior Member Hotlips's Avatar
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    As usual PSH did a great Fall Sprawl. My very first hang was Fall Sprawl last year, and I was in a t**t. I didn't cook anything then. Didn't know what to expect, or what a hang was about. I figured out real quick these people need to eat real food out in the woods. Any way, I've enjoyed my 1st year with PSH as a member (even though I'm from NC). Thanks to the special award Kingsford and I received this year, we are members for another year (thank you). Fall Sprawl was grand this time around, lots of new folks. I'd just like to take a moment to thank all those who brought ingredients for me to cook ( I'd never had gotten that stuff in the car), and all who helped, and offered to help with cooking and clean up. Thank you to those who brought food, and those who prepared food. And thank you to all who donated to the Chuckwagon fund. Thanks to you that trailer is going to be a reality sooner than we thought. I may even be able to get more things for the kitchen since I'll have a way to transport it. I'll just have to see if someone sells minions so we can load and unload all the stuff. Again thanks to all. As a hanger who likes to cook, I can say I enjoyed cooking for you.
    If you don't like my cooking there's always MRE's.***Hotlips

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