Hi, Mike here, or xj-boonie on most forums... living in Frederick, Maryland right now, but grew up in Minnesota. Been a long time camper/hiker/backpacker, but got into hangin when my son tried it in the Boy Scouts and seveal of the other adults swore by it. Just joined the forum to get ideas and up my hammock game.

My current rig is a mish-mash of stuff (somehow my son has a nice full ENO setup....). Started with a Chillax hammock from costco, updated to ENO Atlas straps, some noname carabiners from Amazon, and was using a Kelty Noah 9 or 12 tarp, tied out with 550 cord and aluminum gutter stakes. I've got a Chill Gorillia hex tarp I'm going to try, with a Dutchware ridgline, but am looking at all the other tarps on this site people are using for ideas...

