I've finished sewing a Speer Hammock from one of Ed's kits and have finished attaching the velcro on the bug net. According to Ed's instructions, the bug net is supposed to be supported above the hammock by spectra that is tied to two "d-rings" each of which is to be sewn onto the polyester webbing that goes from the hammock to the tree on each side of the hammock. Since I am going to use ring buckles to hang the hammock, instead of tying the webbing directly to the hammock as Ed recommends, it doesn't seem to make sense to sew the "d-rings" onto the webbing at all. Does anyone know of a reason that I couldn't just tie the spectra bug net support line directly onto each of the ring buckles instead? Also, Ed recommends using a trucker's hitch to adjust the bug net support line. Any reason not to use one of the Figure 9s instead?