Hi everyone,

I received my HH UL a week ago and immediately got out into the nearest forest to try it out. What a hassel it was to set it up for the first time! But it doesn't discourage me to keep on using it, understand that I need some more practise. But what was annoying was my cold back and knees, the ccf pad that I was using kept slipping away during the night and even when I laid on it I felt uncomfortable...

Now to remedy this problem I've read on Just Jeffs homepage about underquilts, seems like the answer to my problems! But which one should I choose? I'm not going to attempt sewing one so the alternativ seems that I choose either one of the three following: KAQ, The Nest (JRB) or the SuperShelter (HH). Is their anyone that has any experience with these systems? What would you guys suggest?