Hello guys,

I have used this forum to help me in my decision to purchase a clark nx-200 for a two & half week cycling trip in North East Canada. I of course need to travel as light as possible.

Last Wednesday, I set up the nx-200 for the first time. It was a nice 68 degree night. I was a bit warm. I noticeed that I could not feel any breeze from the bottom or sides of the hammock which would have cooled me down. I ended up sleeping on top of my North Face Cat's Meow 20 degree sleeping bag.

So my question is as follows: Can I ditch the sleeping bag to save weight on my trip or would that be foolish? Average lows in the Gaspe region at night are 50 degrees. I saw some silk liners that at EMS that I thought would save space and weight. Please let me know any ideas you might have.

