Hello all,

I joined the forums in 2010 I believe but have never actually posted here. I'm actually a bit surprised I still have an active account. Anyway I finally broke down and bought a Hennessy Hammock Expedition A-Sym Zip and can't believe I waited this long to switch to hammocks. My only complaint is my Big Agnes 30 degree bag is no longer warm in 40 degree weather but I have been reading here on how to remedy that. This forum group has such a wealth of information I doubt I will ever go beyond scratching the surface.

At any rate I will tell a bit about me,

I am 30 years old with a wife and child and have been in the military for the past 11 years. My first 10 years I spent as an F-16 Crew Chief and I have now for the past year been working as a B-52 Crew Chief. Because of this I do have back problems and this is where the hammock shines most for me. I enjoy backpacking and camping as much as possible and I really enjoy getting co-workers and friends who have never backpacked into it. I am also very much into primitive survival. Anyway that's the basics on me. Thank you all for allowing me to be a part of this group and I look forward to learning much about the secrets of my new more comfortable way to sleep in the woods. And maybe at some point getting together for a trip with anyone that might be local. I am in Louisiana by the way