Resistance is Futile

Couple of weeks ago I offered a Dutchwear Gift Certificate as a Return PIF.

It was claimed, I logged onto the site and purchased the gift certificate. Within minutes Keith had contacted me and had everything taken care of and the certificate was on it's way to the happy PIF'er.

That's all it took, just a couple minutes to process one electronic transaction, no browsing the site, no clicking on any links but like some super virus, the bug was planted.

I was able to resist the urge to purchase anything for myself that Wednesday despite the overwhelming urge to horde some titanium like the dragon Smaug hoarding gold.

Thursday passed but I was making a conscious effort not to visit the site.
Friday I kept myself busy. Even bought some stuff off of Amazon thinking that would fill the need. But like any addict can tell you, if the good stuff is out there...

Friday, 4:45pm, I cracked.
On to the site and ordered some hooks, flys, quilt clips. Just enough to get me by.

Keith had the ordered processed and shipped within 20 minutes.

It was in my hands Monday or Tuesday, I forget now as time blurred after that.

I had my fix.

At the winter hang I figured I'd splice up a Continuous Ridgeline for one of the nephews. 14 degrees outside. One locked brummel and I bagged that mess.

Then the conversation over the fire.
MrCheviot started asking who like stingers over flyz.
Talk of centering tarps and ease of setup ensued.
Challenges from the stingerz crew were flung at the flyz lovers.
Talk of youtube videos and ridge lines above or below the tarp continued into the night and resumed the next morning.

Thinking I was "free of the need" for a while but still not clear on one of the "pulley like" setups discussed, I reached out to MrCheviot for the info. Links to threads and videos were returned. Excellent info, I have enough titanium to knock out one of the setups for testing and if I modify my existing setup and I can convert it to 2 other CRL setups, only I'm short 2 hooks.

2 hooks
2 hooks

I am not going back to the site for 2 hooks just to get "hooked up" again in less than 2 weeks.

My resolve lasted minutes this time. And then I saw the yarn needles, perfect for splicing needs. Much better than the copper wire I stripped out of some RG58 cable that I'm currently using as my makeshift fid.

Needles and hooks.
Oh sure, I can drop by JoAnnes Fabrics while I'm out and pickup needles.
But the hooks.
I NEED the hooks...

I don't even have the tarps that these CRL's would be used on. Have yet to buy the material to start stitching something together for the kids.

But somehow the titanium draws me.

2 more hooks...
2 more hooks...

I resist for the moment, knowing it is futile.
Worse, the time will allow me to rationalize buying a few more items when I finally do give into my "need".

Start down the road...and it's a one way ticket, only one way to go.