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Hillbilly Pot

Added by Shug
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by Shug
Img 0130  Hillbilly Pot  Hangin' John

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Comments for Hillbilly Pot (4)

  1. #1 tiredhiker
    Re: Hillbilly Pot
    Man that pot has seen some miles....good things never go away they just get better with age.....or dented,burned , and sooty like your pot lol
  2. #2 hopsean
    Re: Hillbilly Pot
    Hello Shug, I've tried with all my might to use the search tool and google site: search to find the origin of your Hillbilly Pot to no avail. If you would kind sir, what cup did you start with? Many thanks in advance and for all that you have contributed to this community!

    Edit, Nevermind... I had never noticed that Wal-Marts "Mainstay" stickers covered up the IMUSA stamping on the grease pot.
  3. #3 halfastronomical
    Re: Hillbilly Pot
    ALL RIGHT! I have the same old pot... Mine is relegated to fire cooking too. I keep expecting some of the dings on the bottom to punch through, but it keeps on trucking. I wonder the MPG on your rig....hmm
  4. #4 SnugAsaBugInaRug
    Re: Hillbilly Pot
    I'm here on this forum because of Shug. Thanks Shug! I started watching a bunch of Shug's YouTube videos because he's informative, entertaining, and I respect his opinions. I like to keep all my toys as cheap and still as nice as possible. Learning a little can save a lot, and I've learned a great deal from Shug's YouTube channel. This $6.00 Walmart grease pot is the first thing I purchased based on Shug's recommendations. It's a heck of a deal. I also made the move to an underquilt based on Shug's recommendation. I lucked out and found a king-size down comforter at the thrift store for $10.00. I've only gotten to use it for a few nights, but I've already learned to appreciate their effectiveness. I look forward to the day I get a pro-model, but I have to perfect my DIY version before I get rid of it. ...I'm rambling, so I'll stop. Thanks again Shug. I can judge the kindness of a man by the size of his BBQ grill. Shug is a good man. Here's my proof: https://www.youtube.com/user/shugemery