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Wide Hang

Added by hutzelbein
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Views: 4,700  
The Pinnacle perch  Wide Hang  Ultimate No Tree Hang

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Comments for Wide Hang (5)

  1. #1 Potato
    Re: Wide Hang
    How did you get the ropes that high?
  2. #2 hutzelbein
    Re: Wide Hang
    Balance on the bike saddle and use a stick to push the straps as high as possible...
  3. #3 SurvivalTrotter
    Re: Wide Hang
    Hello (Guten Tag ;-) ), I have made a message about this hang in the Dutch Facebookgroup: "Hangmat Slapers"=Hammock Sleepers! https://www.facebook.com/groups/6884...9919540447020/ With kind "Enjoy with the people who give you ENERGY"-greetings from the Netherlands, Theo "SurvivalTrotter" Brouwers #EWTPWGYE
  4. #4 Tyroler Holzhacker
    Re: Wide Hang
    Pretty impressive how you got the straps so high. Sehr gut gemacht! Are you able to camp all over Germany, or did you get permission from the land owners?
  5. #5 hutzelbein
    Re: Wide Hang
    Camping is only allowed in designated areas in Germany. Unless you get permission, which is not really feasible because you never know who owns this or that piece of the forest. Still, many people take the risk of getting caught and camp in the woods. However, the picture shows a hang on a regular public campsite. I had to use these trees or sleep on the ground. They were the only two trees in hanging distance.