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Disecting The Thermos Stove

Added by Agfadoc
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Disecting The Thermos Stove

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by Agfadoc
Thermos Internals  Disecting The Thermos Stove  Disecting The Thermos Stove

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Comments for Disecting The Thermos Stove (1)

  1. #1 bloffy13
    Re: Disecting The Thermos Stove
    G'day Agfadoc,
    I see that you are creating a thermos stove but am unable to access the conversation.
    I assume you are talking about its creation?
    I recently created one myself which I can use with a gas stove, camp fire, metho stove and, I assume, Esbits.
    I found that I had to drill holes around the top to allow the best airflow. It doesn't take long to heat the water, it stays hot for about four hours (at least). I carry it every day and use it while out hiking, for a warm brew when I get back from kayaking or making lunch (two minute noodles etc).
    I am yet to use it while out hammocking but it fast becoming an important part of my bushcraft kit.
    I haven't heard of anyone else doing this so I would love to hear your findings.
    It appears you destroyed the bottom. I managed to salvage mine and use it store a few firestraws, a pepsi can stove and a few odds and ends.
    Sorry to waffle on. I would love to hear your views.