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It's Like Sleeping in/on a Puffy Cloud

Added by Pooch
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It's Like Sleeping in/on a Puffy Cloud

Views: 1,496  
by Pooch
img 7729  It's Like Sleeping in/on a Puffy Cloud  Tickets

  Description for It's Like Sleeping in/on a Puffy Cloud

Description by Pooch


Warbonnet's Wooki UQ is a perfect marriage with the XLC hammock, but because it lays so flat, it allowed wind gust to steal warmth when used with other gathered end hammocks. I added loops to opposite sides of the Wooki UQ (foot and shoulder regions) and attached these to the hammock ridgeline with about 12-16 inches of shock chord and WAH-LAH, the Wooki is now more than a one-trick-pony

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